30-day paper trackerLast week, I ranted a little about why I think, sometimes, paper is better. For me, a lot of it boils down to working in technology. All my distractions are online, and to really focus and get things done, I sometimes need to go low-tech. So, for those of you who like to rock it old-school, I've created a paper version (110KB PDF) of the 30-day tracker.

Here's how it works.

The paper version of the 30-day tracker is pretty self-explanatory, but I just want to cover a couple of basics. The 30 days is all on one page, for easy reference. All you do is:

  1. Describe your project at the top.
  2. Check off each day as you complete it.
  3. Write in the date next to each day.
  4. Write any notes you feel like adding.
That's it. It's free, except for the paper and the ink – complain to HP about that. At 1 page per project, I think it's even pretty eco-friendly.

There's only 1 rule.

Whatever you do, stick to it for 30 days. That's all I'm asking. It's even ok to skip a day or 2, especially if that's part of the plan. For example, I've been working on getting back to my exercise program, and I'm doing a 30-day experiment around that. I skip Sundays to rest, though, so my 30-day plan is really 5 weeks at 6 days/week. It's in the plan, so I'm not cheating.

Of course, don't go a week between activity days, but if you lapse or get sidetracked by the holiday a couple of times, don't worry about it. Better to have a 30-day plan that takes 33 days then miss a day, feel like crap, beat yourself up, and quit after 10 days. Too many of us take an all-or-none approach, and, in my experience, "none" is the usual outcome.

It's a work in progress.

I'd love to hear feedback from anyone who tries this out, even if it's critical. I'd like to fine-tune this as the blog progresses. My goal is to keep it simple, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for changes or even multiple versions. I want to hear what works for you.

20 Dec – goodnewscowboy

Nice Pete. Simple. Uncluttered. Doable. What's not to like?

If you have multiple projects, then I assume one sheet per?

20 Dec – Dr. Pete

@GNC - Hey, nice to see you over here. For multiple projects, you'll need my "Deluxe" package, for only $99.95. Or, yes, you could just print more than one. I'll do some extra recycling to offset the tree murder.

16 Jun – Ray

Thanks Dr. Pete. I will be putting this to work today. I really, really need to get off my lazy ass and start getting things done.

16 Jun – Dr. Pete

Glad to hear it, Ray. We all need a kick from time to time, myself absolutely included.