This is a personal entry for my 30-day Trusting Myself challenge, part of Seth Godin's #Trust30 project, inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Today's Challenge:

If you could picture your intuition as a person, what would he or she look like? If you sat down together for dinner, what is the first thing he or she would tell you?

Today's entry:

I gave it the old college try (has the person who invented that phrase ever met a college student?), but I just can't do it. Imagining my intuition as a person feels a bit like imagining God as an old guy in a white beard sitting on a cloud.

I think of my intuition as more like Spidey Sense, that extrasensory itch in the back of your brain that warns you of your impending doom. Outside of the movies, it works both ways – sometimes my Spidey Sense tells me to trust my instincts or say "yes" when the rest of my brain wants to say "no". So, maybe my intuition looks like Spider-Man. Having dinner with Spider-Man would be pretty cool, I guess.

Actually, I'm not sure my intuition should have a voice at all. There are already too many voices in my head – voices of ego, voices of fear and doubt, voices that want pancakes. Sometimes, they all talk at once.

My intuition is like the airplane that flies over just as you reach the drive-through window. There's no sense trying to talk over it, because it's overpowering. Your value meal of petty worries and self-absorption will just have to wait until intuition has had its say. There are no words, just a deafening roar, and you know exactly what it means.