This is a personal log entry for my 30-day exercise challenge. You can also keep me honest by tracking my current activity.

It's the 2nd week of the E-word challenge, and so far so good here. I'm about 8 days into the 30 days at this point, and I'm generally optimistic.

It gets tougher from here.

I purposely put this 30-day challenge in my own 2nd month of getting returning to the gym. I'm great at getting motivated to get back to working out, and I love those early gains, but as soon as I plateau, my motivation wanes fast. Working out for a month and then taking 6 months off is useless – I'm trying to remember that persistence is what really matters.

How are your resolutions coming?

If you're participating in the challenge, let me know how it's going. If not, how are your New Year's goals coming along? If you've slipped a bit, it's ok. Don't give up just because you couldn't achieve perfection. Better to stick with it for 3 months and cheat a day a week then have 10 days of perfection and then quit forever because you made a mistake.