This is a personal log entry for my 30-day exercise challenge. You can also keep me honest by tracking my current activity.

It's the 3rd week of the E-word challenge, and things are starting to get tough. I'm 13 days in (not counting today), just about halfway there.

Life got in the way.

As I mentioned in my Tuesday post, this has been one of those weeks. My wife started back to work, so I'm playing Mr. Mom to our 6-month-old while our new nanny gets acclimated. Inevitably, something had to give this week, but I managed to only lose a day, workout-wise.

My plan is to turn this challenge into a regular approach to my workout. Since I do 6 days/week, 30 days = 5 weeks. A friend suggested going 4 weeks and then taking a low-intensity week (same routine, but less of it). I think that's a really great idea, so I'm going to try it after this challenge.

All in all, though, I'm feeling good, and my New Year's resolutions are on track. I decided to not announce them to all my friends this year, but just to get to work.