This is a personal log entry for my 30-day exercise challenge. You can also keep me honest by tracking my current activity.

It's week 5 of the E-word challenge, and at 24 days in, things have turned around a bit. With any luck, I'll have wrapped up 30 days next Friday.

I managed to regroup.

Week 4 was tough, and there's a lot going on in my daily life right now that makes getting to the gym tricky. The important thing is that I didn't let 2 missed days destroy the plan. I got back on the proverbial horse (which looks a lot like an elliptical machine) and kept at it.

I adapted (slowly).

I'm a stubborn person, and it's frequently not a virtue. I've been set on a schedule of M/W/F at the gym and Tu/Th/Sa doing strength training at home. Now that my wife is working and we've got a nanny in during the week, that was making getting to the gym tough. So, I swapped the days. Simple, right? It was, once I got it through my thick skull.

At any rate, I'm optimistic. I also hit my short-term goal of 100 push-ups (in 5 sets) early, so that was a nice boost. The treadmill is still having its way with me, but I knew that would be the tougher opponent.