This is a personal log entry for my 30-day Shut It Off challenge. You can also keep me honest by tracking my current activity.

I'm almost 2 weeks into quitting social media cold turkey for 30 days – it's tough, but no cheating so far.

My head feels clearer.

I get a lot of value out of social media, to a point, but the real-time stream has a way of encroaching on everything you do. I feel compelled to check it and then, when I post something, I feel obligated to wait for reactions. I'm not sure if that's politeness or ego (probably both).

If I send an email, I can ignore it for 30 minutes and not feel guilty. Once I'm sucked into the social media stream on any given day, though, it has a way of taking over. It's easy to go from a quick dip in the stream to being pulled under by the current.

Twelve days in, my head is finally starting to clear, and the lack of distraction really is freeing up a lot of my time. I'm finding that my typical to-do list is often wrapped up in the early afternoon, opening up a couple of hours for long-term projects.

My 1st e-book draft is done.

I expected that, by the end of the 30 days, I'd have a rough draft of the e-book content. At this point, I not only have a content draft, but I've done most of the layout. So, I'm shooting for a release date of May 24th.

I'm still waiting for spring.

Chicago still isn't cooperating on the "enjoy spring" portion of the plan, but it's hard to complain, given what's been hitting the rest of the Midwest. I have gotten out of the house, even if it's just to go for a drive or grab lunch, and it looks like we might finally have a nice weekend ahead of us.