While I was bombarding you with daily writing challenges during #Trust30, I somehow managed to finish 30GO30's first free guide. I'm happy to announce The 30 Day Budget, a workbook designed to change the way you think about money. Click the image below to download (444KB PDF):

The 30 Day Budget

The 30 Day Budget is a set of challenges, both 30-day challenges and a series of 10-day challenges broken into 3 sections. The 3 major sections are:

(1) Days 1-10: No Emotion

Learn to remove the emotion from financial decisions and face some hard truths. The first 10 days is probably the toughest. If you can make it through this part, you've got a chance.

(2) Days 11-20: Them Apples

Learn to compare apples to apples and question your sacred spending cows. Budgeting is just math, in theory, but somehow we find plenty of ways to cheat.

(3) Days 21-30: The Choices

This is really the entire point of the guide, but I save it for last to ease you in. Learn to make money decisions consciously. Choose what you spend and don't spend money on.

The challenge starts Monday.

This is a read-it-as-you-go guide, more workbook than textbook. Although the 30 Day Budget is based on my own journey, I'm going to practice what I preach and put myself through it again. It starts Monday, and I'll recap each 10-day section. If you want to join me, just chime in below.

07 Jul – Dawn Wentzell

I'm in!

07 Jul – Dr. Pete

Hooray! The worst part of this blog is having to actually DO all of these 30 day challenges. I look forward to when I'm so famous that I can just give out advice and then not actually pay attention to any of it ;)

07 Jul – Angie

I'm coming along, too!

10 Jul – Joya

I am also in.:)

10 Jul – Dawn Wentzell

Oh crap, that starts tomorrow, doesn't it? :P

11 Jul – Dr. Pete

@Angie @Joya - Awesome! Glad I've got some takers on this one.

@Dawn - Yeah, I'm afraid so :) Just about to post on it. This one eases in, though, so no worries. You can read the guide in about an hour.

11 Jul – Stephanie Chang

Impeccable timing- I was just looking at last month's spending and decided yesterday, to stop impulse spending for at least a month. :) Yay to SEOs who are passionate about personal finance.

11 Jul – Dr. Pete

@Stephanie - Welcome! I'm mostly passionate about bossing other people around and sticking my nose in their business :)

28 Jul –

wow, this is a serious challenge. I'm sitting here deciding if I want to start it today... or go buy my cup of coffee.... and start it tomorrow. lol.

18 May – JoAnn

My family is so far behind and wants to get on track. HELP! At least I have the weekend before we start right?!?

31 May – Shari

We need this..BAD!

27 Jul – mike

Ok I'm in (from Monday). Need to get some sleep first.

30 Jul – Jana Flanigan

I am in.